We analyze the characteristics of the market, business opportunities and product characteristics. We scan the activities of competitors and the needs of potential customers. We take into account external and internal factors according to the SWOT model. Where S is the strengths of the brand / product. W - weaknesses. O - opportunities / resources of the company. T - external threats that cannot be influenced.
We form the Unique Trade Offer of the company. The same semi-mythical UTO, which everyone knows it should be, but doesn`t fully understand what it is.
We choose the market. Having determined the advantages, disadvantages, resources and UTO of the company, we analyze the supply and demand and determine in which niche your product is needed.
Finally, we begin to develop a marketing plan. At this stage, the company's goals are specified in terms of the obtained research data. We determine the pricing policy of the product, positioning methods, sites for promotion and tasks of advertising campaigns.