Sklad matraciv - how business audit helps to develop it

When a business has been operating in the market for a long time and stably, it should look for new ideas and ways for effective development. To give a new breath to business – this is exactly the request the head of the Skald Matraciv chain store came to our agency with.

How to start promoting a stable business? Of course from the audit, the study of customer interests and the general situation in the market.

What was done?

  • We conducted a thorough audit of the business. From checks by mystery shoppers, to checking the convenience of displaying goods.
  • Created a map of changes: training of sellers and service rules, merchandising of goods, the scheme of working with regular customers.
  • An independent survey was conducted among Vinnytsia residents to find out how often Vinnytsia residents change mattresses and pillows, how much they are willing to spend on these goods, where they like to buy them and why.  
  • Based on the survey, new advertising messages and promotion concepts were developed. The most relevant product categories are selected.
  • Launched advertising campaigns on social networks and Google with a new positioning of the company.

Key changes

Developing a comprehensive strategy for promoting the brand online and offline. Together with business representatives, at the strategic sessions new business and marketing goals were developed as well as the ways to achieve them.
Carrying out complex merchandising of goods in stores. Changing the product areas and range, in accordance with the rules of merchandising and current customer needs.
Carrying out a complete rebranding of the company: developing a logo, selecting new colors, creating a new visualization of stores, redesigning a website and social networks, and developing a design of printing materials.

What's next?

  • The business has reached a new level: the first author’s mattress from the “Sklad Matraciv” has already been developed and work is underway to release the second one.
  • Together with the customer, we are gradually implementing all the marketing tasks we set ourselves during the strategic sessions.
  • We test and optimize advertising channels, actively work with business audiences.

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